Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Because Bakeries...

Little known fact about me is that I love the Food Network with a fiery passion. Ever since I was introduced to cable, my main shows consist of Friends, Gilmore Girls, What Not To Wear, and the Food Network.

Since I've moved to Denver, I've had a few new culinary adventures, from eating at Bang! (recommended on Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives), to meeting Marcus Samuelsson, celebrity chef. My favorite adventures though, are the bakeries I've discovered here. 

I have always felt that Food Network hasn't done a great job of showcasing baked goods and have dreamed about creating a show similar to Triple D, but focusing on bakeries, coffee shops, and candy stores. In lieu of my fantasy show, I'll just tell you about my favorite bakeries and coffee houses here instead. :)

It all started earlier this year, when I was coming up to visit Kris on weekends. One day, whilst driving down Wadesworth Ave, we spotted an Italian bakery named Dolce Silicia and when we went into it, I felt like I'd stepped into a piece of Italy. It's a teeny, tiny shop next to a Jewish deli, but the food and people in there are amazing.
Dolce Sicilia's Store Front

The first thing you see is their pizza selection, all of it freshly made that morning and set out for whoever gets there first. Then, the breads; ciabatta loaves, baguettes, rolls, French bread, Italian loaves etc. I stop by once a week to purchase a loaf of ciabatta because it is THAT good. And then there's the pastries...

I have no words to describe the cannolis, the Napoleons are to die for, the ameretti cookies were made by angels...I have never tasted anything as good as their baked goods. They're so good that Kris and I are debating just having a dessert table covered with Dolce Sicilia pastries at our wedding instead of cake (not we're really planning a wedding at this point, but I feel like that is a valid decision). 

The last thing I ate at Dolce's was their almond ameretti cookie and I thought I'd died. It was sticky and sweet, but still crumbly and rich and full of so many flavors that I thought my taste buds were going to explode. As soon I got over the amazing flavorfest in my mouth, I went to take another bite, only to see that Kris had eaten the rest of the cookie. I understood then why Dolce sells them by the dozen-safer for it's customers that way.

Dolce Silicia is my number one favorite bakery of all time, but I'm still tasting. Stay tuned for my take of Old Town Arvada's own Rheinlander's Bakery!

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