Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's Happening...

I'm getting the I've-got-too-much-time-on-my-hands-and-a-desire-to-remake-everything-itch. This happens to me every summer, for as long as I can remember...I get out of school, I have no homework and work is a minimal presence in my life and now I have the time to notice how boring just about everything in my life is.

I then proceed to make lists of projects I can do (or wish I could do, but can't since I don't have the money for it). These projects can be anything, from remaking my intellect by reading the hallmark literature of a particular decade to a total rehaul of my wardrobe (which can include going to Goodwill and buying hideously ugly dresses because I am convinced that I can make them beautiful with my pathetic sewing skills), to the painting a redecorating of my house or yard.

You'll notice that the last time I wrote on this blog was at the end of last summer...

It's wildly annoying to me, especially since I've discovered Pinterst, because I am really pretty terrible at projects. I have a terrible tendency to get really enthusiastic about them and then get bored with them when they get harder than I anticipated. Has that stopped me this time yet? Nope.

Since I've graduated, I have:

  1. Started reading three different books about things like Proofreading, Social Media management, and Feminism...
  2. Been to six different Goodwills in search of furniture to repaint and dresses to remake.
  3. Found about twenty different home improvement projects I'd like to take on to improve my rental.
  4. Rearranged my living room, kitchen, and bedroom.
  5. Started blogging again.
  6. And decided to rewrite two stories I wrote in high school and see if I can get them published as Harlequin romance novels.
And I've been sort of avoiding the idea that I might have to get a job soon. I've found a few jobs that I could probably apply to, but none of them are jobs that would really make me happy. So I'm restless and nervous and jobless...and what am I doing? Figuring out how to paint the tile in the kitchen.

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